September 14th, 2022 – Baarn, The Netherlands – iVent Mobile strengthened the team to break new ground in the iVent provisioning and assurance and network software development. The team expansion immediately provides additional depth and capacity for Ruby, Python, and Java development. iVent support a diversity of dBase systems including MariaDB and PostgreSQL.
Over and above the assurance team has been expanded to handle the ever-expanding real-time data sources, improve our analysis to monitor user experience and business KPIs as well as adding AI-capabilities.
iVent Mobile designs, deploys and manages network centric activities, in IP-networking, SD-WAN, LTE and 5G mobile solutions, GEO, MEO and LEO satellite solutions, provisioning and assurance applications and data source management.
Our solutions are technology agnostic and therefore not limited to any type of technology or provider integration. Typically, an iVent platform setup is providing a single-screen provisioning and monitoring tool facilitating real time accounting, billing, data assurance and traffic monitoring for full end-to-end visibility and control.