Customer satisfaction is important, but quality is leading.
Where is your helpdesk and how does it work?
iVent’s helpdesk is based in the Netherlands, an ideal location as there is overlap with both Asia business hours as well as US business hours. The helpdesk is 24/7.
What support levels does iVent Mobile provide?
Typically iVent delivers the level 2 and 3 support from the endcustomer point of view on systems or network level. This is in support of iVent’s customer base who typically deliver the integrated solutions to endusers.
Does iVent support US customers?
A significant number of iVents customers are US based, albeit mostly supporting global operations. iVent has been supporting these customers ever since its conception 24/7 through its Netherlands based helpdesk. At present iVent is also establishing a presence in a US Time zone reinforcing the US Daytime support.
What is a SD WAN and how does iVent deploy this technology?
In its simplest form SD-WAN is a Software-Defined (SD) approach to managing the WAN (Wide Arean Network). Most benefits are reaped when the WAN is deployed across a multitude of networks and operators. iVent uses sophisticated SDWAN architecture and technology to give endusers an uniform experience (QoE) regardless of the type of network in use, whether satellite based or terrestrial, to connect them with HQ or the internet.
What is service orchestration and what is its role in the iVent toolset?
Service orchestration is the execution of the operational and functional processes involved in designing, creating, and delivering an end-to-end service. iVent uses Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Virtualisation of Functions (NFV) to deal with the complex and dynamic environment of our customers.
What is QoS?
Quality of Service QoS tends to involve more traditional, objective metrics that testers can easily measure when extracting data from the System Under Test (SUT). This includes jitter, latency, packet loss, and other parameters, all of which are critical indicators of your service’s health.
What is QoE and how to put it to use?
QoE or quality of Experience is used as a measurement to determine how well a network is satisfying the end user’s requirements. As such it can be more valuable than latency, speed or amount of data.
An uniform above average experience is better than an inconsistent good experience.
Managing the network this way can be more cost effective whilst at the same time building more customer loyalty. Also from a product development, commercialisation and growth perspective this measurement can be signifcantly more useful than just building and delivering “bigger pipes”.
What is a VM and how is it used?
What is an API?
In computing, an application programming interface (API) is an interface that defines interactions between multiple software applications or mixed hardware-software intermediaries.[1] It defines the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to make them, the data formats that should be used, the conventions to follow, etc. It can also provide extension mechanisms so that users can extend existing functionality in various ways and to varying degrees.[2] An API can be entirely custom, specific to a component, or designed based on an industry-standard to ensure interoperability. Through information hiding, APIs enable modular programming, allowing users to use the interface independently of the implementation.
iVent used API’s extensively according to the first definition and builds custom ones for its own proprietary applications.
What is roaming?
Roaming is a wireless telecommunication term typically used with mobile devices, such as mobile phones. It refers to the mobile phone being used outside the range of its “home” network and connects to another available cell network.
What is inbound roaming? Does iVent have special inbound roaming solutions?
What is outbound roaming?
What is the difference between inbound and outbound roaming?
What is a Global Title (GT)?
A global title (GT) is an address used in the SCCP (lightweight IP) protocol for routing signaling messages on telecommunications networks. In theory, a global title is a unique address which refers to only one destination, though in practice destinations can change over time.
What is LTE?
LTE is an acronym for Long Term Evolution.
Until 3G networks were circuit switched. One of the goals of LTE was to make the networks IP based.
What is VoLTE?
LTE also supports Voice calls over LTE or VoLTE.
What is a Point of Presence?
In Telecommunications a Point of Presence (PoP) is an artificial demarcation point or interface point between communicating entities. Typically at these PoPs mutiple interconnects are managed with other telecommunicaion providers.
What is an interconnect?
An interconnect in the telecommunications industry is a physical or logical connection between two networks.
What is e-UICC?
What is an IMSI?
What is a VSAT?
A very-small-aperture terminal (VSAT) is a two-way satellite ground station with a dish antenna that is smaller than 3.8 meters. The majority of VSAT antennas range from 75 cm to 1.2 m. Data rates, in most cases, range from 4 kbit/s up to 16 Mbit/s.
VSAT’s are also referred to as the remote(s) in a VSAT network.
What is Single Portal Provisioning in iVent's world?
iVent delivers System Integrators portals allowing their customer support team or even the customers themselves to “provision” the way individual users or remote LAN’s can access the internet regardless of the type of network used.
Such a portal basically translates userrequirements to network or operators specific settings without the user needing to go into the details and specifics thereof, providing a user friendly, time saving experience.
What is Single Portal Provisioning software?
Ivent writes the Software needed to develop or run Single Portal Provisioning for Operators or System Integrators.
What is a captive portal and how does iVent use them?
A captive portal is a web page accessed with a web browser that is displayed to newly connected users of a Wi-Fi or wired network before they are granted broader access to network resources. Most people will recognise this from hotels or other public places when logging onto the network with your own device.
iVent develops captive portals that are deployed for staff or personal in military camps or mines where access to the internet needs to be managed and delivered secured actively
What is IPTV?
Internet Protocol TeleVision (IPTV) is the delivery of television content over Internet Protocol networks. This is in contrast to delivery through traditional terrestrial, satellite, and cable television formats. Unlike downloaded media, IPTV offers the ability to stream the source media continuously. As a result, a client media player can begin playing the content almost immediately. This is known as streaming media.
What is RTT?
What is the effect of RTT on IPTV? How has iVent remedied this effect?
Latency and Round Trip Time can have an effect on the Quality of Experience of content or streaming services. This is typically an issue when using IPTV behind a satellite link.
iVent has developed patented technology to reduce the effects thereof.
What is WiFi calling?
Wi-Fi calling allows you to make calls from a Wi-Fi connection instead of a cellular connection.
Which Patents does iVent have?
- Mechanism to trigger redundant information to the mobile home network for special call routings like Call Back and other redirect services. (Granted)
- Enable full featured Mobile Connectivity for a mobile Smartphone, regardless of SIM type, without Mobile Network Coverage. (Granted)
- Have ‘Local’ Mobile Connectivity, all over the world. Without roaming cost and high data charges. (Pending)
- Method for delivering video content to and within mobile remote locations with narrow band and / or long latency connections. (Granted)